About us

Brics Gold Bank (BGB) is a subsidiary of Dammam Gold Investment Agency, established in 2016, Dammam Gold Investment Agency is an award-winning Saudi Arabian company that began with a mission of protecting investors against inflation and economic instability with the world's oldest and most trusted asset: gold.

Dammam Gold Investment Agency being a company positioned in a BRICS allied nation launched BGB to spread its wings across the globe utilizing the BRICS ideology of free economic and trade ecosystem. BGB offers passive returns driven by the performance of the gold market. Investors can witness their wealth grow organically as the company strategically navigates the dynamics of the gold industry. This passive income model is complemented by an active commitment to security, ensuring that investors' funds are safeguarded with the utmost diligence.

Leveraging modern technologies such as blockchain, every transaction is recorded with precision, providing investors with real-time visibility into their holdings and returns. This commitment to transparency not only builds trust but also aligns with the ethos of accountability that defines the program.

The inherent volatility of financial markets can be a cause for concern, but our program acts as a golden shield against such fluctuations. By tying returns directly to the stability of gold, investors enjoy a hedge that minimizes the risks associated with more unpredictable assets. This unique feature positions the program as a strategic choice for those seeking both returns and resilience.

BGB board of directors

Why We’re Here?

The possession of gold ensures complete financial independence. Even if the economy, the markets, or we all collapse, you will still own it. However, it should not be limited to the privileged.

We believe that by putting gold’s value in digital form, it may be transported easily and used anywhere in the world. Both gold and technology are highly valued and well-understood around the world and by combining them, we have given people’s money more of an impact and tipped the scales in their favor.

BGB gives you digital access to real gold, so you can Own it! Save it! Grow it!